Sunburn Care and Aloe Vera

As the weather starts to warm we find ourselves outside and working in the garden. Don’t forget about the sun. Even in spring the sun can caused sunburns.

Sunburns are caused by overexposure to the sun without protection. We get sunburns on places we forget to cover such as the back of the neck, tip of the nose, and don’t forget those domes (bald heads).

Following are some sunburn care tips:

Aloe Vera is a great relief for the discomfort and burning of sunburn. It helps to seal in the skin’s natural moisture, which helps in the healing.

The aloe’s gel forms a coating on the skin but does not hold in the heat and burning like other ointments. It helps the skin to heal from the inside out.

To use aloe for sunburn care, simply cut open the leaf and smear (don’t rub) the gel on. It can be bandaged in place but may be better to leave it exposed to the air.

Aloe Vera also mixes well with lavender essential oil to help cool a sunburn. This mixture may be helpful to someone with chemotherapy burns. This combination will help prevent infection, which can be a problem with burns of any kind.

Combine 4oz. of Aloe Vera with 1/2 tsp. lavender oil, 1 tsp. apple-cider vinegar and a few drops of vitamin E oil. Shake the mixture before applying. Reapply to keep cool.

Apple Cider vinegar feels cool on sunburns. Keep applying as needed, and ignore the smell.

Recently I burned my thumb on the stove and nothing felt good on it except ice. I keep ice on it all night long because as soon as I took off the ice it starting burning again.

Once the burn stop burning where I could stand taking off the ice, I slather it with Aloe Vera to speed in healing and to help with infection. It healed in just a couple of days.

So watch out for the sun and take precautions by wearing sunblock even in the spring. But if you do get a burn try Aloe Vera for your sunburn care.

Happy Gardening

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