Category Archives: Herbs

Herbs cover about anything not covered in the categories.

St John’s Wort used for depression.

St John’s Wort   Hypericum Perforatum

Parts Used: Flowers, stems and leaves

Primary uses for St John’s Wort: Mild depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, Anti-viral, used for PMS ,pre-menopausal and menopause. External: wounds, bruises and first degree burns.

Comes in: Tea, tincture, tablets, capsules, salves, creams and oil

Suggested dosage: capsules or tablets take 300 mg 3 times a day. Tinctures 10-15 drops a day

Flowers: Are used to make St John’s Wort blood red infused oil. The oil can be used topically for mild burns, wounds and inflammations. Harvest just when the buds began to open on a sunny day. To tell if they are ready, press a bud between your fingers, if there’s a spurt of purple or deep red they are ready to pick, if not it is either too early or too late. Check every day. St John Wort blooms bright yellow flowers the middle of summer and early fall. The flowers are edible.

Growing: This short term perennial grows 1-3 feet tall, with branching two edge stems and loads of flowers. The leaves are pale green, oblong and covered with tiny pinholes which are oil glands. The flowers are lemon scented. Zone: 3-9. Tolerate most soils in sun and light shade. It is considered an invasive in Missouri. It grows from runners; cuttings and it will self sow. Be sure and use the Hypericum Perfortum variety, if using for medicinal purposes.

Medicinal: For treating mild depression, anxiety, stress, tension, nerve damage, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It needs to be used over a period of time for full effect 2-4 weeks. To treat chronic stress and depression it should be used over several months. It is antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory, which make it helpful for treating bacterial and viral infections such as shingles and herpes. It is also being studied for its capability to hinder the AIDS and HIV virus, but research is still ongoing. Use correctly, St Johns Wort is very effective antidepressant, and over the past 30 years its efficacy has been proved by extensive clinical and scientific studies.

History of St John’s Wort: it has been used as a wound healer since 500 BC. When John the Baptist was beheaded, where his blood spilled it is said that St John’s Wort grew from the blood.     European peasants burnt the plant on June 24, which is John the Baptist birthday, to dispel evil spirits. Because the plant “bleeds red” it was used for wounds during the crusades. During ancient times the way to know what a plant was good for it should look like, or act like the ailment it was treating.

To make St John’s Wort oil: As the flowers start to bloom you will need to squeeze the flowers and if they bleed red they are ready to pick. If they don’t have the red/purple liquid then it is either too early or too late. You need to check every day. Shake off any dirt, and pat dry. This is one of the oils that should be made with fresh material. Most oils are made with dry to prevent mold. They should be picked on a sunny day, but it might be a good idea to wear gloves to prevent any dermatitis. Put one cup of fresh yellow flowers in a quart jar and cover with cold process olive, or safflower oil. Place jar in window or a warm spot and shake daily. Check often for mold. (If mold occurs, throw away.) After two or three weeks, the oil will turn red, strain off the oil, bottle, label and store in a cool place. When staining, line a fine mesh strainer with cheesecloth and squeeze as much oil out as possible. You can tie off the cheesecloth and place in a wine press or coffee press to get the last few precious drops.

St John's Wort Hypericum Perforatum

St John’s Wort

Precautions: do not used for severe depression, do not use if pregnant or planning to get pregnant. Do not quit all at once, taper off. SJW can cause photo sensitivity in some individuals, (sensitive to sun). If you are taking antidepressants medications and want to substitute or complement them with SJW, check with your health care provider. The University of Maryland Medical center has a whole list of medications to avoid if taking SJW. Do not take a week before or after surgery.

This information is for informational and educational purposes only, not intended to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any disease. Sharon

Skullcap herb

If you are having a bad day, skullcap herb (scutellaria spp.) is one of the more recognizable herbs used for nervous disorders in today’s herbalism. It is considered an antispasmodic, antibacterial, cooling, diuretic, and promotes bile flow.

It was used by the Native Americans for treatment of rabies, menstrual problems and to bring on menstrual period, quiets cramps, soothes breast pain, and ease kidney problems.

Scutellaria lateriflora, also known as Blue Skullcap, Hoodwort, Virginian Skullcap, Mad-dog Skullcap is a hardy perennial herb native to North America. It is a member of the mint family.

  • Height: 1-3 feet, with branching stems and oval toothed leaves.
  • Flowers: Pretty tiny blue flowers emerge along the stem in mid-summer.
  • Roots are stringy and yellow and should be at least 3 years old before harvesting.
  • Cultivation: Grows in ordinary well drained soil in sun or light shade.
  • Propagation: Sow seeds in late winter, and divided root in early spring.

Medicinal: The whole plant is considered medicinal. Scullcap nourishes and revitalizes the nervous system, thanks to the minerals it supplies, which include calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium.

It is good in times of stress, easing tension headaches, stress, anxiety, exhaustion and depression. May help to promote sleep, and won’t leave you feeling groggy in the morning.

Scullcap is calming for many nervous conditions and has a tonic effect on the central nervous system and helps with nervous fatigue and hysteria. An antispasmodic is a drug or an herb that suppresses muscle spasms.

Scullcap is very quieting and soothing to the nerves of people who are easily excited. It is used in such diseases such as shaking palsy, convulsion, fits, rheumatism, hydrophobia, epilepsy, and bites for poisonous insects and snakes.

Scullcap is used medicinally as a strong tea also known as an infusion for insomnia and as a tincture for extreme anxiety or pms.

The tincture is best using the fresh herb and a strong alcohol such as 190 proof.  Mix with lemon balm for depression.

Root: Make a decoction with the root and mixed with other herbs that are considered cold and bitter.

Caution: Can be mistaken for germander which should not be taken in large doses. In some US markets Germander is sold as Scullcap. Germander can cause liver toxicity.

Growing and Using Chives

Chives with blooms


Growing and using Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) with it early spring purple flower is one of the most popular culinary herbs found in herb gardens. The flowers along with the leaves are edible and can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Chives are a member of the alliums genus and are used as companion plant, and both medicinally and culinary.

The leaves can be used all summer long and have a mild onion like flavor and are great on a variety of foods. The leaves contain large amount of Vitamin A and C. Onion chives have purple flowers and garlic chives have a white star like flowers.

Growing Chives: Chives makes great border plants, in the herb garden, in the vegetable garden and in Perennial beds.

  • Height: 4 inches to 2 feet
  • Zones: 3 to 9
  • Site: Fun sun to partial shade
  • Soil: Chives like a well drained soil mixed with compost pH 6.0-7.0
  • Thin or transplant 1 foot apart
  • Propagation: by seed, division, or planting offsets

The seeds can be planted in early spring and the bulbs divided in the fall or spring. Chives will self-seed readily. Divide every three or four years.

The plant has pale purple flowers with long hollow leaves that spike up from the base of the plant. The flowers bloom in the early spring and when spent need to be cut to encourage plant growth. The plant seems to exhaust itself if the flowers are not cut back. Grab hold of the plant like a pony tail and cut entire plant back to the ground leaving just a couple of inches. This will produce fresh leaves.

Culinary: Snip the leaves as you need them for your cooking needs. Remember that bake potato with chives. Fresh leaves are always superior to dried or frozen. Chives do not dry for the most part, so they are better in cooked dishes. To retain the color of the leaves, dry at a very low temperature.

Chives can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week in a plastic bag to retain crispness.

Add chives flowers to herb vinegar and salads. Chives can substitute in most recipes for scallions and when a mild onion flavor is needed.

Try adding chopped fresh chives to softened butter mixed with a little lemon juice. About 1 cup butter, snipped fresh chives, freshly ground pepper, salt and about 1 tsp. lemon juice. Mix and chill.

Medicinal: Fresh leaves and flowers aid in digestion, and most alliums are good for the blood vessels, keeping them elastic and help deter aging. WOW! we all just decided to add chives to our gardens.

Companion plant: Plant near plants that are prone to aphids, leaf spot and mildew. It also can be made into a spray for these pests. Japanese beetles don’t seem to like chives.

Plant chives near roses to help with black spot and apples to help prevent apple scab. Plant near cucumbers to help prevent powdery mildew and carrots seem to like chives.

Chives will enhance grapes and tomatoes. Chives are considered an effective insect repellent along with pennyroyal, nasturtium and garlic. Chives seem to dislike peas and beans.

Happy Gardening!

Growing Yarrow

Growing Yarrow is a perennial and works great in dry places with full sun. It grows in zones 3 to 10 and has showy bright flowers.  The white yarrow can be found along roadsides and fields.

Pink Yarrow

Pink Yarrow, A bit of a spreader and shorter

Yarrow fossils were found in caves which were in existence for 60,000 years. Yarrow was used to stop solders wounds with the leaves and the Native Americans used the plant for most injuries and ailments. Yarrow can be found growing wild in many areas of the US.

Medical: The medicinal yarrow has white flowers, and is rich in chemicals and great for allergic problems such as hay fever. The flowers should be harvest in the peak of their flowering cycle.  The essential oil is used for anti-inflammatory and good mixed with carrier oil for chest rubs to combat colds and influenza.

The leaves of the (Achillea millefolium) encourage clotting and can be used for bleeders. When dried the plant is great used in digestive tonic to encourage bile flow in the gall bladder, and good for circulation and high blood pressure. The plant will promote sweating which may bring down a fever.

Ways of using the plant include teas, used as an inhalation, as a poultice for cuts and bruises and to increase circulation for varicose veins. The white yarrow can be made into a tincture or added to salves or your very own skin lotions. You can make your own skin lotion or added to commercial.

Just a note: Products used on the skin, I prefer to make my own because in most cases the commercial products have ingredients I can’t even pronounce.

Chew a fresh leaf to stop the pain of a toothache and drink a tea to aid in digestion. Mouthwash made with yarrow is used for inflamed gums. Yarrow is known to help cleanse the body.

In some cases yarrow can cause a skin rash and large does can cause sensitivity to sun. It should be avoided by pregnant women, actually include most herbs.

Growing: It grows about 1 foot to 2 feet tall and is considered a weed in many cases. Likes full sun but will tolerate light shade and likes a well-drained soil. Yarrow can grow in dry areas. Remove faded blooms to increase bloom time. The seed is small and tear shaped.

The plant should be divided in the fall because the roots can be invasive.

Don’t confuse Yarrow with Queen Anne lace or hemlock. Be sure and check with a field guide before picking any plants in the wild.

Culinary: The young yarrow leaves can be added to salads, or mixed in herb butter or herb cheese.

Other cultivars: The most common ornamental yarrow is yellow which is great for dry flower arrangements or adds a long living flower in the garden. Other colors of yarrow include bright pink, pastel, gold, salmon, peach and red.

Yellow Yarrow

Yellow Yarrow, ornamental

Dye: The yellow flowers yield a yellow dye to wool when it is mordant with alum. The whole plant will dye an olive green when mordant is iron.

Yarrow will attract beneficial insects and likes to be grown near other herbs.  The root of the plant activates a disease resistance for the nearby herbs. Cut the plant back and add to the compost pile to increase composting time. The compost pile only needs a small amount of leaves to make a pile of compost.

Yarrow looks great mix with purple cone flower and other perennials. Yarrow starts blooming usually a bit before the purple cone flower but will continue blooming as the purple cone flower bloom.  Some varieties will grow lower to the ground while other stand up tall. Have fun with yarrow in your garden. It is a work worth having.

Happy Gardening!

Dandelion, an herb or a weed?

This little distinct yellow flower (dandelion, taraxacum officinale) with its tooth shape leaves is usually consider a pest, a weed, a nuisance, but in the herb world, it is considered an herb.  Dandelion has a flat daisy like bright yellow flower with bright green leaves and a huge, fleshly taproot.

When you want to take a picture of dandelion don’t wait until after the lawn is mowed, which is what I did, so I had to find a part of my garden that needed weeding.

History: In the 7th century it was mentioned in Chinese herbals and in Europe it appeared in the 15th century when a surgeon compared the leaves to the teeth of a lion and coin the name of the plant which came from French dents de lion. In the 16th century, dandelion was known as Herba urinaria because of the strong diuretic effect.

Dandelion was brought to the new world by the early colonists. Some of the common names include fairy clock, blowball, piss-a-bed, lion’s teeth, priest crown, puffball, white endive and swine snout. According to some experts, dandelion was the first green food Adam ate, after he was banished from the Garden of Eden.

When you were a kid you properly blew the round seed heads to watch the seeds fly, which is one of the reason dandelion is so prevalent. Believe it or not but some people actually grow dandelion in their garden as an herb and salad green. The whole plant can be used from the flower to the root.

Growing: Dandelion grows in cool to warm climates and like rainfall with full sun. If you look around you and find the plant it usually grows in any kind of soil, but the better the soil the less bitter the leaves of the herb. In the early spring dandelion is more prevalent than in the hot sun.

The roots will grow extremely deep and if you allow the seed heads to develop they can become an invasive weed.

Harvest: Fresh spring leaves can be picked when they first start to grow and are young. The older the leaves the taste can become very bitter. To help reduce the bitter taste, soak the leaves in water mixed with salt, or sauté the leaves in oil. The leaves are better fresh rather than dried.

The roots can be dug up and roasted or dried to use in a variety of ways. For lasting freshness store the roots in the freezer like you would fresh coffee.

To make the dandelion “coffee”: Use either dandelion or chicory root. Wash the root carefully, try not to damage the roots, and spread out on a large cookie sheet and place in the oven at 180 to 200 degrees F. for up to four hours. Turn the roots to ensure even and consistent drying. When the roots are completely dry and cool, store them and grind fresh each time you make a cup of “coffee”.  Some like to mix half and half, half coffee and half dandelion roots. One level teaspoon per cup.

As a Dye: The whole plant will dye wool a magenta color and the flowers can be used to make yellow.

Culinary: Add the spring leaves to garden salads and smoothies for cleansing and for diuretic action. The roots which are cleaned, chopped and roasted until dark brown, are ground and used as a healthy caffeine-free coffee substitute. Dandelion coffee has the opposite effect of caffeine coffee. Use the flowers in jelly, beer and homemade wine. Try adding dandelion greens when cooking green beans.

Medicinal: As an herbal medicine, dandelion root has been held in high esteem in Europe for centuries. Folklore has using the sticky white sap of the dandelion to remove warts. Dandelion root coffee is known to help with sleep and is good tonic for the kidneys and liver. It is considered cool, bitter, and sweet. Dandelion contains vitamins A, B, C, D, potassium salts, iron, thiamine, niacin, calcium, sodium, pectin and carotenoids.

The roots will promote bile flow and is mildly laxative. As a diuretic, the leaves are high in potassium. Because of this potassium content it is said to be good tonic for the heart as well. The whole herb is used to clear heat and toxins from the blood and used for boils and abscesses.

The root can be made into a tincture or a decoction. Dandelion helps to remove poisons from the body and is known to be good for diabetics and for someone suffering from anemia. It is considered a natural spring tonic for the liver and gallbladder. Dandelion is considered a good blood cleanser and especially in cases of skin diseases. Dandelion makes a good digestive tonic for constipation.

When searching for medicinal recipes using dandelion, many of the recipes will include other herbs. A blood builder recipe mixes equal parts each of dried comfrey, fenugreek seed, along with dandelion. Dandelion sleep remedy contained equal parts of dandelion root, chamomile, and valerian.

For the above recipes, steep one heaping teaspoon of herbs per cup of boiling water for 10-20 minutes, strain and drink with lemon and honey.

So is dandelion an herb or a weed, well it depends on what you plan on using it for. If you want the perfect lawn, then dandelion is a weed, if you want to improve your health by making tinctures, dandelion teas, adding to salads, making jelly or many of the other uses culinary and medicinal then dandelion is an herb.


Dandelion herb or weed?

Why I haven’t been blogging

To all my friends reading my blog, I apologized I haven’t been blogging in several days. It is not my intention to go so long between blogs. We had a big family reunion on Memorial Day which kept me busy as well as working in my garden.

I have included some pictures of my garden. As my garden changes and things start growing, I will keep you up to date.


Hosta’s gardens

These hostas I want to move because they really get too much sun, I want to plant more herbs in this area.


My newest garden

This is just above the hostas and to the right and is my newest garden. I want to move my thyme here and allow it to hang over the retaining wall.

Day lilly bed

My oldest garden

This is my oldest garden and I have planted lots of different herbs in this bed, some reason I have trouble growing. In front you can see sage and the yellow is yarrow. To the right of the rock is oregano. The plants in the middle are daylillies.

Mint bed

Mint bed

I like to plant mint all by itself so it can be mowed around and will not spread in the garden. I put the brick around the mint because, last year it was attacked by the weed eater. My weed eater uses thought it was a weed. Mints will mixed in flavor so it is better to plant one kind.


chocolate mint

Chocolate mint

Here is another example of mint in a bed by itself.

raised beds

Raised beds with vegetables

This is a picture of two of my raised beds with vegetables. The one on the left has beets and onions and the one on the right has potatoes and peanuts.

vegetable gardem

vegetable garden

This is the vegetable garden with grapes in the background. The large black pots will have plants good for companion planting.



What is any garden without tomatoes. This tomatoes is planted near onions as companions.

beets and onions

closeup of beets and onions

I hope you have enjoyed a tour of part of my garden. This is not all.

I have a garden tour plan soon, and need to get most of the weeds out of the garden. I tell everyone I grow fruit, vegetables, herbs, flowers, and weeds.

Stick with me because I plan on several new blogs. I want to teach you how to make your own herb remedies from making a cup of tea to tinctures.

Crafts will include leaf printing, paper making, potpourris and perfumes. Lots of new recipes for using herbs in your cooking.

Other things I have planed include making all types of cosmetics and cleaners for your home as well as ideas for using herbs in your home.

One of my latest passions besides herbs is art printing on fabric and I want to try and use some of these ideas on my homemade paper. I won’t know if they work until I try some of the ideas I have been reading about.

I will teach you how to dry and freeze your herbs and what the herbs are good for and what to watch out for.

Medicinal subjects will include herbs to slow down aging, herbs good for indigestion and all kinds of everyday ailments. We will talk about food allergies and herbs to take to help with inflammation which can cause pain. For example, I heard the other day on the Dr. OZ show, that almond milk, Swiss chard, and tart cherries for anti-inflammatory. There are herbs that can be used for this as well.

If anyone wants to learn something special just leave a comment and I will try and research the subject. Sharon



Herbal Vinegar Hair Rinse

This wonderful vinegar rinse is great for the hair and will bring life back to your tresses. Herbal vinegar hair rinse can be made from different herbs depending on your hair type and color.

Choose the right herb for your hair type. Listed below are some of the herbs used in herbal rinses.


  • Chamomile
  • Lemon
  • Mullein flowers
  • Orange flowers
  • calendula
  • Turmeric


  • Sage
  • Rosemary
  • Yarrow
  • Clove
  • Henna
  • Marigold

Red Hair

  • Marigold flowers
  • Witch Hazel Bark
  • Henna
  • Clove
  • Red Hibiscus

Dry Hair

  • Comfrey root and leaf
  • Red Clover
  • Geranium
  • Sage
  • Orange Peel

Oily Hair

  • Lavender
  • Lemon Balm
  • Rosemary
  • Lemon Grass
  • Lemon Peel

For Luster

  • Parsley
  • Basil
  • Rosemary

Before using any herb solution on the scalp, dap some on the inside of your arm and cover with a bandage and leave for 24 hours. If nothing happens, it is properly safe to used on your head.

For the rinse featured in this blog, I used chamomile, comfrey, calendula, and rosemary. These herbs were chosen because I have blond, dry hair. The chamomile and calendula can be replaced with sage and rosemary for dark hair.

Chamomile and calendula are for blond highlights, rosemary for luster and hair growth and comfrey for dry hair.

Herbs used in Hair rinse

Herbs used in Hair rinse

Chamomile Herbal Vinegar Hair Rinse


  • About 1 cup of dried chamomile flowers
  • 2-4 Tbsp. each of rosemary, comfrey and calendula
  • 3 cups of apple cider vinegar plus more if needed to cover
Equipment used in Hair Rinse

Equipment used in Hair Rinse

Equipment used:

  • Glass, enamel, or ceramic pot for heating vinegar, stay away from aluminum
  • Quart jar with lid lined with wax paper
  • Measuring cup
  • Funnel
  • Plastic container with plastic lid (Note: use plastic in the shower, glass might break)
  • Fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth lined strainer
  • Labels
Chamomile Hair Rinse

Chamomile Hair Rinse

Heat vinegar in glass pot to almost boiling. It is good idea to stay away from aluminum pans, they react to the vinegar. Some suggest staying away from all metal, but I have used stainless steel.

Vinegar heated to almost boiling

Vinegar heated to almost boiling

Place herbs in glass jar.  Have lid ready and lined with wax paper. The wax paper is to prevent the vinegar from coming in contact with metal lid. Plastic lids works best, but they are hard to fine to fit glass jars.

Cover the herbs with hot vinegar and allow to cool before adding the lid. Don’t forget to label and date. Chamomile will soak up a lot of vinegar, so allow room in jar. May need to add additional apple cider vinegar in a few days.

Hair rinse Ready to be stained

Hair rinse Ready to be stained

Shake every day for 1 to 2 weeks which allows the herbs to infuse with the vinegar. After the time has passed, strain the vinegar using a coffee filter lined mesh strainer. Squeeze out as much of the liquid as possible. Compost the herbs. Pour into plastic container with plastic lid to use in the shower. The part full container is what is left from the last batch I made. This size plastic container will not hold all the vinegar this recipe makes.

How to Use:

Mix about 1/4 to 1/3 cup of vinegar with 2 cups of warm water. After shampooing, rinse hair with vinegar/water solution and massage into scalp. Watch your eyes, vinegar will sting. I like to keep a plastic cup in the shower for mixing the vinegar solution.

The vinegar solution can be left in hair or rinse with warm water followed by cool water. Use about once a week to every other week.

Vinegar removes soap film and excess sedum oil from the hair. Sedum oil is needed in moderate amounts to promote healthy skin and hair.Too much can cause oily hair and skin.

Vinegar helps with all the abuse we put our hair through and it will help to restore, soften and condition the hair.

Beautiful hair is a result of what we put on our hair as well as what we put in our body. A balance diet and hydration will result in great hair.


Spring Cleanup and Perennials

Don’t you just love all the gardens catalogs that come in the mail. All those gorgeous pictures of perennials and annuals.  Most are offering a special deal if you order by a certain date. As soon as I see them, I just want to get out in the garden and start planting. I want to order everything in the catalogs even if I have never heard of the plant and have no idea where I would place it in my garden.

How many times have we bought a plant before we knew where to plant it. So it lives in it’s pot until we can figure out where it will fit. What we should do, is plan what we want to plant and then purchase. I know I don’t always do it either.

When the catalogs first arrive we still have a lot of winter ahead of us especially if we are planting vegetables and annual herbs. When you have 65 degrees F in February or early March, don’t be too eager to set out new plants if your area is known for late frosts. . Now is a great time to clean up the garden and get rid of leaves and last years clutter.

If you live in the Midwest, don’t get too eager to remove any coverings in our gardens. Those late frost can do more damage than the winter months. Plants do not care for having one day in the 70 degrees F. and the next day below freezing.

As soon as you see the beginnings of new growth coming around the base of perennials, it is time to start the cleanup. This may be at the end of March or the beginning of April.

Start with removing any of last year’s annuals, I usually leave them in the fall for the animals to use as cover and possible food. At least it is what I tell myself when I don’t find the time for fall cleanup.

Once I have all my old basil plants in the compost pile, I start by cleaning up the perennial beds. I like to remove any sticks or old growth. I also take the time to relocate plants into new homes. This is a great way to share your plants and extend your garden. Last fall I dug up some Dutch Iris from just three clumps, I had about 15 new plants and gave some away and move some to new beds.

When sharing plants be sure to pass along any information about the plant so the new owner know where to plant, the name of the plant and any growing conditions. Don’t forget to warn someone if your are sharing mint and how it likes to spread.

After it has rain is a great time to dig up plants and to weed. If fact one of my favorite times to weed is when it is just starting to rain, just be aware if it is thundering and lightening. That is the time to head inside.

Happy Gardening

Sharon K

All Purpose Insect Spray

This spray/soap will cling to the plant leaves until it rains or the morning dew washes it off.

All Purpose Insect Spray

  • 1 garlic blub
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 Tbsp. cayenne pepper
  • 1 quart water, rain water if available
  • 1 Tbsp. castille soap

Blend garlic and onions, and cayenne. Mix in water and blend again. Let steep for several hours or overnight, then add castille soap. Store in tightly covered jar and label. Store in refrigerator for up to one week.

Last year we had aphids on our Tomatoes and this seem to work. It took a couple of times spraying, but it is much better than chemicals. It also kept our dog away. Continue reading

Who am I

Hi my name is Sharon K and I love using and growing herbs. All kinds of herbs

  • Culinary
  • Medicinal
  • Crafts
  • Cosmetics
  • Growing
  • Harvesting
  • Herbal Gifts.

I have taught and lectured about herbs for over 20 years. Yes I am that old. One of my favorite conference I attended was in Washington DC, it was on alternative medicine. Wow was I out of place among all the doctors and nurses. The keynote speaker was the real Patch Adams and the first thing out of his mouth was No one should charge for their medical services. The room grew quiet, and under my breath I said YEA!

I love to research and study herbs and hope with this blog we can learn together many new ways and a few old ones for using herbs and adding them to our lives. I love to experiment and try new things out I hope to share with you.

In today’s world, we need to learn to make things and to use herbs in many different ways.

Thanks for taking time out of your busy day for visiting my blog. SharonK