Tag Archives: Garlic

Garlic, nature’s medicine

Ready for the oven Garlic


Garlic, nature’s medicine (allium sativum, a member of the lily family) is fairly easy to grow and offers satisfaction when one small clove will grow a bulb of garlic.

Check out my previous blog on how to roast garlic.

Following are the historical and traditional medicinal uses of garlic. Not meant to prescribe or treat any diseases.

Every heard of an apple a day keeps the doctor away, well the same thing can be said for garlic.                “ A garlic a day helps keep the doctor at bay”

Few facts about the health benefits of garlic:

  • Fresh garlic can prevent arteriosclerotic changes and blood thickening.
  • Helps to normalized blood pressure
  • Good for cardiovascular diseases, to help prevent strokes, and shortness of breath
  • Garlic has been used for yeast, bacterial and viral infections, colds and reduces allergic reactions
  • For a cough, grate garlic and mix with honey
  • Helps with heart and circulation problems, 1-3 cloves of fresh garlic a day for about 3 months
  • Garlic may help to reduce cholesterol levels and other fatty sediments in the arteries
  • Use for sinus congestion, headaches, stomachaches, dysentery, gout and rheumatism
  • Research shows eating garlic on a regular basis may prevent heart attacks. It renders the blood platelets less sticky, making it harder for blood to form clots, a principal trigger of heart attacks
  • Garlic may lower blood sugar levels
  • Treat toothache and earache
  • Folk lore suggest using it to treat cancer
  • Some of the cancers include, stomach, skin, breast, oral and colon cancer
  • Garlic contains a mineral call gernanium, which helps prevent cancer cells from reproducing and the body to produce cancer fighting interferon
  • In the past they used garlic to ward off the plague
  • Garlic regulates the action of the liver and gallbladder
  • It is helpful for all intestinal infections such as cholera, typhoid and intestinal bacterial

Now all this garlic does have a side effect, it can produce bad breath which can be helped with chewing parsley or fresh tarragon.

Following is a list of vitamins found in garlic:

  • Potassium
  • Vitamin c
  • Vitamin b
  • Vitamin b1
  • Selenium
  • Sulfur
  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • About 17% protein

In both World Wars it was applied to the soldier’s wounds to prevent septic poisoning and gangrene. Garlic can cause some irritation to the skin when applied directly.

It was used for ringworm, acne, skin parasites, tumors and warts. The cloves are cut and the juice is applied directly to the skin. Oil of garlic can be used to lessen the irritation on the skin.

There has been some talk about garlic in oil and the fact it could mold. Keep all infused oils in the refrigerator and use within two weeks.

To make oil of garlic, peel fresh garlic (4 or 5 cloves), mash it and put it into a small jar. Cover with cold-pressed olive oil until all the garlic is covered. Close tightly and allow to set for 3 to 7 days. Shake daily. Stain, label, date, and store in the frig.

Some herbs are water soluble and some herbs are better in oil or alcohol. Garlic is one of those herbs that releases it essence in oil.

One of the benefits of garlic, it’s quite tasty and is great in almost any savory dish. Sauté garlic in oil and add herbs such as rosemary, parsley, oregano or your favorite savory herb. I even tasted a cake made with garlic at an herb festival. It was surprising good.

Almost any dish that includes onions can properly benefit from garlic. Just don’t let it burn, or you will have to start over. Burnt garlic is indescribable and you won’t forget the smell or the taste.

Depending on what part of the county you are from, some say add the garlic first, other say add the onions and then the garlic.

Check out my next blog on how to grow garlic with a few recipes included. Here’s to your good health.


How to Roast Garlic

Items need for roasting garlic

Items need for roasting garlic

Roasting garlic is fun and easy and makes the whole house smell wonderful while it is roasting. The taste is mild and buttery. Use in potato soup, on fresh bake warm bread, or in salad dressing. These are just a few ideas, you can use it in so many ways.

Ingredients: Simple

  1. Whole bulbs of garlic
  2. olive oil
  3. foil
  4. parchment paper
  5. knife and cutting board
  6. oven safe dish
  7. or garlic roaster
Ready for the oven Garlic

Ready for the oven Garlic

In an oven safe dish line it with foil and place a piece of parchment paper about 8″ square over the foil. Cut off the top of the garlic for easier removal of the garlic pulp. This step is optional.

Place a garlic bulb inside the parchment paper and use a few teaspoons of olive oil to cover the blub. Fold in the packet and bake at 350°F for 30-45 minutes. When the bulb is soft it is done, don’t let it burn.

If you have a garlic roaster follow the directions with the roaster, or bake at 350°F for about 30-40 minutes. Place garlic on base of the roaster and add a few teaspoons of olive oil and cover.

Garlic after roasting

Roasted Garlic

To remove the garlic from the paper lining, just squeeze and it will come out sticky and creamy.

Garlic is used in almost every types of cuisines and add flavor to all foods. I have even had some garlic cake once.

Check out my post on Herb butters under Cooking with Herbs. This works wonderful in herb butters by itself or mix with other herbs. Roasted garlic taste wonderful in cheese balls to add a new dimension.

Happy Cooking Sharon K